It’s fund-raising time again and the date has been set for the 2013 National Brain Tumor Walk at Trinity Park in Ft. Worth. I lost my wife, Carroll, in February after a three-year battle with the disease. She never lost hope and never lost that smile and I want to continue to wage the battle, so that no one else will have to go through what we did.
It’s so easy to help, too. You can join us in the walk, donate, and spread the word by going to the Team Kiwi site. Once you are here, you have several options and I go over them in the videos below. The team goal is $10,000 this year and I think it is very doable. Our goal was $2,000 last year and we beat that by a few hundred dollars.
So, I ask. Go to the site. Register to walk with us, if you can. If you can’t, donate and help spread the word.
Video – How to register to walk