My Many Interests

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Year of Astronomy 2009

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been long time no post. Well, for the last couple of months, I've been busy, lazy, tired, frazzled, and everything in between. But, I'm getting ready to get back to it hard and heavy. I'll explain my plans the next time I blog. Right now, I'm wanting to talk about this next year in astronomy.

Why? you may ask. I was an avid amateur astronomer when I was a kid. My telescope and I would sweat it out or freeze our behinds off in the evenings back in Louisiana. Where I lived there wasn't a lot of light pollution, but now that I live in the city and don't have a telescope, I get by on the brighter objects in the sky with a pair of binoculars. I still enjoy looking up and pointing out the starts and planets to people who probably never gave it a second thought.

Which brings me to the point of this blog. This year marks the 400th anniversary of old man Galileo looking up to the sky with his new toy and marveling at the wonders in the heavens that God has put before us through random chaos. (like the way I mix creationism and that other theory?)

To get people involved and informed, the group, International Year of Astronomy 2009, has formed a series of events to happen through out the year. You can also click on the title of this blog to get to the website.

And you can also go to this article at the Washington Post and see what's coming up in the next couple of weeks in the night sky.

Happy Hunting.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bailout Bull

I'm a fan of Glenn Beck. You can see him on TV and hear him on radio and even read his books. He's got common sense going on. Please check out the link below to see what atrocity has been passed by our elected officials.

Glenn Beck

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dave Ramsey's Common Sense Fix

I know I don't write as often as I should to some of you and some I haven't sent anything in a long time, and for that I apologize.  But I felt it important to send this link to everyone.

A little background info first.  When Carroll and I got married almost 4 years ago, we combined a lot of debt.  Wanting to put it behind us, I started looking for solutions and came across Dave Ramsey.  I got both his books and listened to him on the radio.  He even has a TV show on MSNBC that is very good.  In the last 3 years, Carroll and I have paid off 75% of our debt and let me tell you, it was in the 10's of thousands.  Right now, all we have left is her car note and my 13 year old student loan (a few more years and it will graduate on it's on.)

Well, Dave, has gone and put together a plan of action on his own.  Follow this link to his webpage and read it and if it hit's you like it did me, follow his instructions and get the word out to your representatives.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Helping Out for Breast Cancer

I received this link in a forward from my father and figured that I would help out a little more by posting it here. You can cut and paste this link, "" or you can click on the title of this blog. It's free to click, but there are some good ads to check out. They also have the pink ribbon store so that you can buy items to show your support.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's Such A Drag Getting Old

Well, I think the Rolling Stones had it all wrong. At least that's the line from "Mother's Little Helper" says. Thursday, my birthday, I was at work finishing up and had turned the radio on and that was the first line I heard from the speakers. Interesting.

Well, I had a small get-together at a local watering hole where Dave tends bar. If you don't know Dave, he'll be the one in the cowboy hat. Stevon Parrish, Tim and Roz Galvan, and DJ Mary Mary all showed up to pay respects to my dearly departed youth. There was to be karaoke, but the young lady who was to run it had a problem with the hard-drive with all the music stored on it. Tsk, tsk . . . always have a backup.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Grand Experiment

I thought that I might try a little experiment this past month. It had often been called into question my ability to grow facial hair. I shaved but not everyday like I should and I and everyone else noticed that it did not grow back quite as fast as other gentlemen.

So, for a full month I let my face grow wild with unkempt fury. . . . can you see the fury?

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Yes, these photos are accurate. This is the extent of my hair growth for a full month. I'm as embarrassed as you are amused. Actually, that's not true. I save a bundle on the number of razors I don't have to buy.

Comedian Bernie Mac Dies

Even though I didn't watch his show, I could always find something relevant in my own life to laugh about. It's always a shame to see someone pass on so early in life, but if you read the whole article you see where he's been and the struggle that he overcame to get where he was. At only 50 years of age, I begin to examine my own mortality. I turn 40 next week so I think it's time to schedule a few doctor's visits.
clipped from

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Bernie Mac, the Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actor and comedian who worked his way to Hollywood success from an impoverished upbringing on Chicago's South Side, died Saturday at age 50.

"Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital," his publicist, Danica Smith, said in a statement from Los Angeles, California.

The comedian suffered from sarcoidosis, an inflammatory lung disease that produces tiny lumps of cells in the body's organs, but had said the condition went into remission in 2005. He recently was hospitalized and treated for pneumonia, which his publicist said was not related to the disease.

 blog it

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008

hartford police release video of hit and run

This is the video in it's entirety. It's pretty disturbing, but unfortunately, not unbelievable in this day and age.

Hartford police release video of hit-and-run - by News Channel 8's Bob Wilson

This is a story that I saw here in Dallas, but the video is the local channel in Hartford, CN (I think.) The police chief's comments are right on the nose.

Friday, June 13, 2008

What to do, what to do?

I always have something to say and I wish that I liked typing more, but at the end of the day I just can't seem to put it on paper. So, I thought I would do a little technique that my 9th grade English teacher had us perform. I'll write for 10 minutes every other day on nothing in particular, just write. That should start creative juices flowing after 25 years.

There used to be a time when I could sit down and draw a picture, write a poem, or tell a story right off the top of my head and now I can't tell you what has irked me today or what really floats my boat. Maybe, in the days ahead I'll reveal a revelation (was that a redundant way of putting it? I don't know but I bet my teacher from 25 years ago would.) Who knows, I might even get some paragraphs in there. And I invite you to give me a topic or tell me how your day was spent. I'm always open for suggestions.

I may just turn this into a music post, because I love me some music. For starters, the video below is a great song (or I might just like the girls in it.) The band is the Fratellis and the song is "Chelsea Dagger." Check them out and let me know what you think.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Teens Today

Alright parents, take note! I came across this article on the news the other day.

Two Teens Unremorseful After Stealing From Girl Scout

Basically, two teens stole money from a girl scout while she sold cookies in front of the supermarket. They were caught later and on camera showed no remorse. They "needed the money," so they took it.

So, this is my question. How do these two slip by adults? This kind of behavior has to slip out into their daily lives. I just can't bring myself to believe that it's a spur of the moment thing and that they haven't exhibited this style of behavior before. Since there has to be warning signs of some type, how did the parents react? Are they as apalled as the rest of us? Is there a rest of us? Or am I the only one that wants to lock these two away because I see no hope for them?

Tell me your opinion and if you disagree with (or agree,) please offer up some solutions.